Note: No downloading or installation is required! Fork Awesome, a fork of the iconic font and CSS framework. These icons work great with the fa -spin class. Check out the spinning icons example. Font Awesome version 4. Available source files and icon fonts for both personal and commercial use.

I would like to have a blank icon that I could use for spacing purposes. I realize this functionality could be achieved in other ways but to simplify . I believe you want something like this? Icon , Add class for tag. You can change the color and size by adding just two lines to your CSS file.
And now the icon looks like . Looking for a premium icon sets? Guidance and suggestions for using external icon libraries with Bootstrap. As long as you keep the handy-dandy FA icon list around so you know exactly what icon you need. The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit - cdnjs.

I was recently using the font awesome icons for a webpage I was creating,. To add any icons on the webpages, it need the fontawesome link inside the head tag. The fontawesome icon can be placed by using the fa prefix before the . First, Used to navigate to the first page of a . One great example of this field in action is in the To Top . DevExtreme comes with an icon library that provides font icons for all DevExtreme. Argon comes with 1custom icons made by our friends from Nucleo App.
Where fa -NAME is the actual name of your icon and COLOR is the color you . Is it possible for me to . Odoo - icon smart buttons icon = fa. Fort Awesome kits are served up by MaxCDN. We can see a list of icons and appropriate icon codes.

Copy part of the selected icon code. Besides, as it uses the font-awesome icons , so a reference to its CSS file is also included in. If this library is added just add the class fa fa -link to any element to add the icon. This font is intended to be used as a webfont with shortcodes and CSS stuff. The older version of FA used a nice verbose icon -name CSS class, I like that better.
Just make sure you add fa fa -lg and then the class for the icon to each . Follow the same steps to import the. You may have observed that the fa -fw style class used to set . Tutorial : Create Admin Panel using AdminLTE Bootstrap Template in Laravel 5.
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